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Motor Neurone Disease Association: Resources and Support

Comprehensive Information and Helpline

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) is an invaluable resource for information on motor neurone disease (MND). Their helpline is available for patients and their families at any time, offering crucial information about the condition.

Educational Resources and Financial Support

The MNDA provides a range of learning resources for professionals, including videos and educational materials. In addition, they offer financial support to patients, which is a significant benefit for those affected by MND.

Volunteer Training and Local Support

The MNDA trains volunteers who provide essential support to patients at home. Local volunteers are actively involved in organising branch meetings, outings, and other activities. Our local group is particularly dynamic and recently produced a newsletter to keep members informed and engaged.

Contact and Engagement

For further information, resources, or to access support, contact the Motor Neurone Disease Association through their helpline. Their services and local volunteer efforts play a vital role in supporting those living with motor neurone disease.