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Welcome from Dr David Sollis, CEO of Healthwatch Essex

About Healthwatch Essex

I am Dr David Sollis, Chief Executive Officer of Healthwatch Essex. We are an independent health and social care charity dedicated to capturing the voice and lived experiences of those living and working within Essex. Our work is conducted through:

  • Information and Signposting Services
  • High-Quality Engagement
  • Academically Rigorous Research

We address a range of topics including carers, learning disabilities, mental health, and issues related to acute hospitals and primary care, including the workforce.

Watch our short animation to learn more about what we do.

Share Your Experience

Have you recently visited your GP, a care home, or had a dentist or optician appointment? We want to hear from you! Share your experiences with any Essex health and social care service, and help us improve services for others. Your feedback is confidential and can be shared in various ways. If you need assistance finding local services or navigating the health and social care systems, please get in touch with us.

Supporting the Essex Neurology Network

As part of our mission, we support and host the Essex Neurology Network, a collaboration of national and local organisations working to assist those affected by neurological conditions. This network aims to raise awareness and support for those with neurological conditions.

About the Neurological Conditions E-Learning Course

This course is designed for individuals working in non-neurological settings, including Clinical Commissioning Groups, GP surgeries, social workers, carers, and the general public. It aims to provide a basic understanding and awareness of neurological conditions, highlighting the lived experiences of those affected.

Created in collaboration with professionals and informed by the experiences of those living with neurological conditions, this course offers valuable insights into how these conditions impact daily life.

Thank You

Thank you for taking an interest in our course. We hope you find it informative and valuable.