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Understanding Stroke Types and Prevention

Types of Strokes

A stroke is a disturbance in the brain, and there are two primary types:

  • Ischaemic Stroke: This type involves a blockage in the brain, often caused by a blood clot or debris that obstructs blood flow. The blockage prevents essential blood and oxygen from reaching the affected area of the brain.
  • Haemorrhagic Stroke: This occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, leading to a bleed that floods the brain. The flooding can cause swelling and requires careful management to prevent further complications.

Because these two types of strokes have different causes, their treatments vary significantly. For instance, haemorrhagic strokes require different approaches than ischaemic strokes, often involving specific scans to determine the exact nature of the stroke before deciding on treatment.

Stroke Prevention

Preventing a stroke involves monitoring several key health factors:

  • Regular Blood Pressure Checks: It's crucial to have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure often has no symptoms but is a major risk factor for strokes.
  • Cholesterol and Diabetes Monitoring: Check your cholesterol levels and diabetes status, as high cholesterol and diabetes can contribute to stroke risk.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Although eating a healthy diet and exercising are beneficial, they do not entirely eliminate stroke risk. Regular health check-ups are essential.
  • Irregular Heartbeat: An irregular heartbeat, which can sometimes occur in children, is another risk factor. Regular check-ups can help identify this condition.

As a stroke coordinator, I frequently conduct blood pressure checks and organise events to monitor people's health. Many individuals unknowingly have high blood pressure, which underscores the importance of regular health screenings.


Understanding the different types of strokes and their treatments, alongside proactive health monitoring, is key to stroke prevention. Regular check-ups and managing health risks effectively can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing a stroke.